日本語         HASHI LOCALS

The home page of HASHI's windsurfing and surfing Information

INFOMATION (in broken English)

To tell you the truth, I want to say "HASHI of this
 morning", but the place where I live in "Yunotsu-cho"
 which is 30 kilometer from HASHI.
 It is no possible to see the ocean,
 when I open the wind, but even so,
 I can recognize the condition from the color of the 
sky and ocean, of which I can see during my walk every
 morning. What you can see in the center of the vision 
is the hoping "Yunotsu -wan". We forecast the wave from
 the white wave hitting the cape, which is placed in the
 entering part of the bowl.
 This portrait will be renewed until every 8o'clok in the

  I was thinking that I would like to deal with "HASHI beach FM", but the dream has 
come true, earlier than T thought. It is a rough homepage, which is made from digital
 camera(DS-7) and home page builder, but I am thinking to renewal gradually. It might
 be good to hold "online surfing contest" by using animation someday. 

Please let me hear your opinion or impressions. −> mail